Maximo mobile applications need an active Internet connection to communicate with the Maximo WebSphere server and enable user interaction. But what happens to these applications when there is no access to the Internet?
MAXapps Editors • 26 September | 2022
Inspection is an important tool for asset-intensive businesses. It has many benefits across a wide range of industries, including: cars inspection, health and safety inspection, etc. Combining IBM Maximo and MAXapps ensures a good experience and increased productivity.
MAXapps Editors • 16 June | 2022
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The IBM Maximo Inspection tool helps you manage inspection forms, conduct inspections and analyze results. It also lets you share inspection data with other users such as the inspector, supervisor, etc.
MAXapps Editors • 06 June | 2022
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MAXapps helps coordinate supervisors with warehouse and field technicians, saving the company time and money while expediting transactions. It combines many Maximo, and no-Maximo functions into one unified solution that helps schedule and track field operations.
MAXapps Editors • 25 May | 2022
By combining IBM Maximo and MAXapps it will be easier than ever to access and manage business information from anywhere at any time.
MAXapps Editors • 05 May | 2022
Flexibility is also an important factor for evolution and growth. Upgrading or customizing the application should be simple and risk-free. Mobile applications must integrate seamlessly with IBM Maximo to allow users to manipulate data and assets with agility.
MAXapps Editors • 03 May | 2022
Maximo's mobility initiative can turn into a failed project only because it is difficult to configure.
MAXapps Editors • 25 April | 2022
IBM Maximo is the most powerful EAM software on the market. Its mobilization is extremely important for the growth of your company. Choosing the right solution is critical.
MAXapps Editors • 12 January | 2022
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